Career Updates

Advertisement SP DSP Smart Safe Cities Project

Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) Lahore invites applications from Police Department domiciled in Punjab for the following posts of Smart Safe Cities Project on contract basis. GENERAL INFORMATION / INSTRUCTIONS: i. Detailed job description and terms & conditions for the posts are available at: ii. Interested candidates may apply online through the PSCA website at till 14.12.2024....

November 29, 2024|Career Updates|


Reference to this office earlier advertisements issued vide IPL No.9542 in national daily newspapers on 11-10-2024, the last date for submission of online applications was 28-10-2024. The last date for submission of online applications against the Technical Positions in the above advertisements has been further extended up to November 25, 2024 wherein qualification terms & conditions of the above...

November 18, 2024|Career Updates|

Merit List of Police Communication Officers (PCOs)

1. This final merit list for recruitment of Police Communication Officers (PCOs), Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) is displayed. Initially, candidates from serial No. 01 to 60, in the order of merit from the Open Merit list, are being provisionally offered job contracts due to budgetary allocations. 2. The remaining selected candidates from the Open Merit List from Serial...

January 30, 2024|Career Updates|

Due Date Extension Notice for Advertisement No. 9159

In continuation of the previous advertisement date extension notice published vide IPL No. 9159 in national daily newspaper “Express” on 03-11-2023, PSCA/PPIC3 Centre, Lahore, invites applications through an open competitive process from candidates domiciled in Punjab for the following contractual positions. Sr. No. Name of Post No of Posts Age 1. Chief Technical Officer 1 Maximum upto 58 2....

January 23, 2024|Career Updates|
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